Armenian News Network / Groong


The Literary Groong

September 23, 2023



When Armenians Die Again


When Armenians die again

And again

And again


In the hands of smiling barbarians

Armies of conquering monkeys

Rattling helmets against rocks

Stomping boots made in China

Bullets by the bucket

Guns poking eye sockets.


When Turks scam the earth

And dance over corpses

Professing religion, piety, rape

Smiling to the camera

Riding on tanks

Drones killing new conscripts

By digital prowess


Azeri animals left to graze

Mother Russia, encouraging

The raids, hospital bombings

Kindergarten cluster bombs

Sirens, cryin’ mothers, slaves


A world of lies, commerce, hate.

A world never not at war.

In permanent maddening



When Armenians die again

And again

And again




Bedros Afeyan

San Carlos, CA



Dr. Bedros Afeyan is a theoretical physicist who works and lives in the Bay Area with his wife Marine. He writes in Armenian and in English, and also paints and sculpts. He is the current editor of The Literary Groong.

Bedros Afeyan

© Copyright 2023 Armenian News Network/Groong and the author.

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